
Hello World! This is our (Anjana & Karishma) final project for CS 384G-Computer Graphics at UT Austin. We decided to implement Stochastic Tracing with Bump Mapping to render some pretty cool images!

We have the Whitted Ray Tracer along with the Stochastic Ray Tracer that can be enabled selectively.  Some of the features that we have, include:

  • Whitted ray tracing
    • Phong shading
    • Shadow attenuation
    • Reflection
    • Refraction
  • Stochastic Ray Tracing
    • Global Illumination
    • Depth of Field
    • Soft Shadows
  • Texture Mapping
  • Bump Mapping
  • Anti-aliasing
  • Optimization
    • kD-Tree
    • Multithreading
  • .obj to .ray file conversion
GUI with various knobs for selection

The code can be found at : https://github.com/kmulani/raytracer

Happy rendering! 😀

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